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    Business Planning for Growth of Airdri Ltd

    Brief :

    Part 1

    Learning Outcomes

    LO1 Evaluate the  important considerations SME should consider when generating growth opportunities.

    LO2 Discuss methods by which organization assess funding and when to use these funding.

    LO3 Create a business plan and communicate how you intend scaling up a business.


    You are simulated business or social enterprise of your choice. Small business serve local service. Prepare report of business plan for growth.

    The report should:

    Analyze considerations for growth opportunities and justify these in organizational context. evaluate the opportunities for growth applying Ansoff’s growth vector matrix. Discuss the options for growth using a range of analytical frameworks to show the understanding of competitive advantage in an organizational context and evaluate  options and pathways for growth, taking into account the risks of each option and how they can be mitigated.

    Assess the sources of funding available to businesses and discuss benefits and drawbacks of each source. Evaluate potential sources of funding and justification for the adoption of source of funding for a given organizational context and further critically evaluate potential sources of funding with justified argument for the adoption of a particular source or combination of sources.

    Develop a business plan for growth that includes financial information and strategic objectives for scaling up a business. You may also develop a detailed business plan for growth and securing investment, setting out strategic objectives, strategies and appropriate frameworks for achieving objectives.

    Part 2

    Learning Outcome

    LO4 Describe the various ways a small business owner can exit the business and  implications of each option 

    You can also check sample of New Product Launching Process For Samsung and Apple from here.


    Following report from part 1, you have to write appraisal of exit or succession options for the business or social enterprise, assessing the advantage and explain the drawbacks of each option.  You may want to evaluate the exit or succession options for your small organization comparing  the options and generating recommendations. Also provide critical evaluation of the exit or succession options and decide an appropriate course of action with recommendations to support implementation.  

    Assessment Criteria




    LO1 Explain key considerations SMEs should consider when evaluating growth opportunities

    D1 Evaluate specific options and pathways for growth, taking into account the risks of each option and how they can be mitigated.

    P1 Explain key considerations for evaluating growth opportunities and justify considerations in an organisational context.

    P2 Explore the opportunities for growth applying Ansoff’s growth vector matrix.

    M1 Determine the options for growth using  analytical frameworks to demonstrate the understanding of competitive advantage in an organisational context.

    LO2 Generate methods through which organisations access funding and when to use  types of funding

    D2 Critically explain potential sources of funding with justified argument for the adoption of a particular source or combination of sources, based on organisational needs.

    P3 Evaluate potential sources of funding available to businesses and discuss benefits and drawbacks of each source

    M2 Discuss suitable sources of funding and justification for the adoption of an appropriate source of funding for a given organisational context.

    LO3 Create a business plan (including financials) and communicate how you intend scaling up a business

    D3 Present a  detailed business plan that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of how to formulate, apply business objectives successfully.

    P4 Develop business plan for growth that includes financial information and strategic objectives for scaling up a business.

    M3 Create an appropriate and  business plan for growth and securing investment, setting out strategic objectives, strategies and appropriate frameworks for achieving objectives.

    LO4 Assess  ways a small business owner can exit the business and the implications of each option

    D4 Provide c evaluation of the exit or succession options for a small business and decide  course of action with justified recommendations to support implementation.

    P5 Assess exit or succession options for a small business explaining the advantages and drawbacks of each option.

    M4 Evaluate exit or succession options for a small business comparing the options and with recommendations.

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